Electroplating plants
Manual plant
These types of plants totally operated by labor, jigs movement, and chemical addition did manually.
Advantages of manual plant
• Easy to install
• Locally available
• Lower investment
• Plant can be stopping any time with minimum rejection.
Disadvantages of manual plant
• Slow production
• Inconstant quality
• Human error
• Trained labor unavailability
• Heating costs are high due to low production
• Unreliable process
• Coating variation due to improper plating time.
• Improper water rinsing
• Drag out losses

Automatic plant
This kind of plant is operated through mechanical or hydraulic transporters’. No manpower required on auto plants except for parts loading and unloading. Jigs movement is done by transporter through designed auto programs.
Advantages of Automatic Plant
- Higher production rates and increased productivity
- The biggest production targets can be easily achieved.
- More efficient use of chemicals.
- Better product quality.
- Reduced factory lead times.
- Good business reputation with vendors having automatic line.
- Higher output and increased productivity have been two of the biggest reasons for justifying the use of automation
- Despite the claims of high quality from good workmanship by humans, automated systems typically perform the electroplating process with less variability than human workers, resulting in greater control and consistency of product quality.
- Also, increased process control makes more efficient use of materials, resulting in fewer Rejection/Defect.
- Worker safety is an important reason for automating electrolytic operation. Automated systems often remove workers from the workplace, thus safeguarding them against the hazards of the factory environment.
Disadvantages of Automatic Plant
The main disadvantage often associated with automation, is worker displacement. Despite the social benefits that might result from retraining displaced workers for other jobs, in almost all cases the worker whose job has been taken over by a machine undergoes a period of emotional stress. In addition to displacement from work, the worker may be displaced geographically. In order to find other work, an individual may have to relocate, which is another source of stress.
Other disadvantages of an automated plants include the high capital expenditure required to invest in automation (an automated system can cost millions of rupees to design, fabricate, and install), and a higher level of maintenance needed with compare to a manually operated plant.
Also, there are potential risks that automation technology will ultimately subjugate rather than serve humankind. The risks include the possibility that workers will become slaves to automated machines, that the privacy of humans will be invaded by vast computer data networks, that human error in the management of technology will somehow endanger civilization, and that society will become dependent on automation for its economic well-being.
These dangers aside, automation technology, if used wisely and effectively, can yield substantial opportunities for the future. There is an opportunity to relieve humans from repetitive, hazardous, and unpleasant labor in all forms. And there is an opportunity for future automation technologies to provide a growing social and economic environment in which humans can enjoy a higher standard of living and a better life.